City Investment Analysis Report

About the report

This UKCCIC report has been supported by Connected Places Catapult, Core Cities UK, and London Councils. The focus is therefore the UK’s Core Cities and London, though the findings are widely applicable to the rest of the UK.

The report is structured around a review of the key urban infrastructure sectors relevant to Net Zero: commercial building decarbonisation, domestic building decarbonisation, renewable electricity generation, transport decarbonisation, waste management decarbonisation, and green infrastructure. Each of these sectors has been evaluated to identify theoretical opportunities for private financing and hurdles to be overcome. Practical examples of projects requiring finance are also presented to illustrate the opportunities available for private sector investors.

Using the sector-specific evaluations, the report collects findings regarding the present opportunities and limitations for private finance to participate in city Net Zero transitions, and develops recommendations for actions to enhance the scale of private sector involvement in the coming years.

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