Welcome to 3Ci
3Ci is an innovative collaboration of local
government and the private sector.

3Ci is an innovative collaboration of local
government and the private sector.
Our Mission
Our place-based experience and ability to convene government and financial institutions makes us perfectly placed to help deliver that investment, urgently.
Net Zero
Achieving net zero is an urgent global challenge and government investment alone is not enough to achieve the transformation we need across our homes, businesses and infrastructure; enabling private investment will be critical.
3Ci, The Cities Commission for Climate Investment, is an innovative collaboration of local government and the private sector. Our mission is to support local authorities in securing the necessary long-term finance for achieving net zero.
3Ci is working to leverage the combined scale of cities and regions to mobilise finance and drive investment into low and net zero carbon projects across all local areas together, rather than individual ones. We believe this is the key to unlocking the investment so urgently needed.
Our place-based experience and ability to convene government, community, industry and financial institutions, makes us perfectly placed to help deliver the investment needed to get cities and regions to net zero – and get there fast.
How can cities strengthen their business cases for net zero investment? And if their plans are brought together and aligned in a new and creative ways, could they generate greater scale, volume and predictability in ways that might make them more attractive to investors?
Nations around the world are providing unprecedented levels of support for their urban areas to create green growth and reduce carbon emissions. We call on Government to support a transformational programme of green growth, bringing £330 billion of investment to the UK.